§ 1. Administrator's Details
1. This document regulates the rules for collecting and processing personal data of
users who use the contact form on the website, available at the
internet address
2. The administrator of personal data provided through the contact form on the
website is ICSD PHILIPIAK limited liability company with its registered office in
Warsaw, at 63/65 Strażacka Street, 04-462 Warsaw, Tax Identification Number (NIP):
7010391767, entered into the National Court Register under the number KRS:
0001043354, the company's registration files are kept by the District Court for the
Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIV Economic Department of the National Court
3. Contact with the Administrator regarding the processing of data in connection with
the use of the contact form is possible via:
a. Traditional mail at the address: 63/65 Strażacka Street, 04-462 Warsaw;
b. Email at the address:;
c. Telephone number: +48 22 479 45 50.
§ 2. Protection and Processing of Personal Data
1. All provided personal data are processed by the Administrator in accordance with the
requirements of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the
processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing
Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter referred to as
"GDPR," and other requirements specified in Polish law, particularly in the Act of 18
July 2002 on the provision of electronic services.
2. The Administrator applies the necessary technical measures required by current
personal data protection regulations to prevent unauthorized access to and
modification of personal data transmitted electronically.
3. Providing personal data by the user is voluntary but necessary to contact the user to
present a commercial offer and the terms of receiving a free gift, as well as to
potentially arrange a visit from a sales representative at a specified location. It is also
necessary to fulfill legal obligations imposed on the Administrator by applicable
4. The personal data provided for processing belong to the category of ordinary
personal data and include: name, place of residence or habitual residence, email
address, and telephone number.
5. The provided personal data are processed to contact the user to present a
commercial offer and the terms of receiving a free gift, as well as to potentially
arrange the location, date, and method of presenting a commercial offer.
6. The provided personal data are processed by the Administrator based on Article
6(1)(b) and Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR the processing of personal data is necessary
for the performance of a contract or prior to entering into a contract and for the
purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator. The
Administrator's legitimate interest is to provide services before making a telephone
connection with the user, including browsing the website, and to establish a
telephone connection with the user at the provided telephone number to present a
commercial offer and the terms of receiving a free gift, as well as potentially arrange
the location, date, and method of presenting a commercial offer, and to conduct
marketing of its own services.
7. With the additional optional consent provided by the user, the Administrator has the
right to send marketing information to the user's email address or telephone
number. The consent mentioned above can be revoked by the user at any time. If
such consent is given, the legal basis for processing personal data will also be Article
10 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services and Article 172 of
the Act of 16 July 2004 Telecommunications Law.
8. Recipients of the provided personal data include:
a. PHILIPIAK MILANO limited liability company limited partnership with its
registered office in Warsaw, at 63/65 Strażacka Street, 04-462 Warsaw, Tax
Identification Number (NIP): 9522157053, entered into the National Court
Register under the number KRS: 0000860019, the company's registration files
are kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIV
Economic Department of the National Court Register,
b. EI PHILIPIAK MILANO limited liability company with its registered office in
Warsaw, at 63/65 Strażacka Street, 04-462 Warsaw, Tax Identification
Number (NIP): 9522238679, entered into the National Court Register under
the number KRS: 0001024310, the company's registration files are kept by the
District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIV Economic
Department of the National Court Register,
c. entities providing necessary services for establishing contact with the user at
the provided telephone number, including those providing website hosting
and ensuring its security,
d. state authorities authorized to receive such data based on separate
9. The personal data provided will be processed from the moment of their submission
through the form and during the telephone connection to the provided telephone
number, including during the agreed visit from a sales representative and the
performance of any contract concluded with the user, and after its execution, for the
period necessary to demonstrate the correct fulfillment of obligations by the
Administrator. This period corresponds to the limitation period for claims or the
expiration of other rights based on these data. Personal data processed for marketing
purposes will be processed for the duration of their implementation by the
Administrator or until the user objects to the further processing of personal data for
marketing purposes or withdraws consent to receive marketing information at the
email address or telephone number.
10. Personal data may be transferred to third countries or international organizations
outside the European Economic Area. Data may be transferred, for example, to
entities within the Google group. The transfer to other entities will only take place
when they provide appropriate safeguards and effective legal protection measures
are ensured for the data.
11. Personal data may be processed in an automated manner (including profiling), but
this will not produce any legal effects concerning the user or similarly significantly
affect the user's situation. Profiling of personal data by the Administrator involves
processing data (including in an automated manner) to evaluate certain information
about the user, including analysis, statistics, or forecasts of interests and personal
preferences, as well as in connection with the Administrator's marketing activities,
sending advertisements, and commercial offers.
12. The user has the following rights regarding the processing of personal data:
a. The right to access their personal data (Article 15 of the GDPR) and to verify
or correct them (Article 16 of the GDPR), as well as to request their deletion
by submitting a relevant request to the Administrator (Article 17 of the
b. The right to restrict processing (Article 18 of the GDPR) and the right to data
portability (Article 20 of the GDPR). If personal data are processed unlawfully,
the user has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory
authority - the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
c. The right to object to the processing of personal data (Article 21 of the GDPR).
§ 3. Cookies
1. Cookies are computer data stored in users' end devices, intended for use on
websites. These files allow the recognition of the user's device and display the
website in a way that is tailored to the user's individual preferences. Cookies typically
contain the website's name of origin, the duration of their storage on the end device,
and a unique number. The Administrator does not automatically collect any other
information apart from what is contained in cookies.
2. Cookies are used for the following purposes:
a. Adapting website content to the user's individual preferences. They also
optimize the use of websites - cookies allow the website to be displayed
properly, according to the user's preferences.
b. Creating anonymous, aggregated statistics that help understand how users use the
website, which enables improving its structure and content, without personal
identification of the user.
3. Cookies do not contain any identifying data, and they do not alter the user's settings
or the settings of the software installed on their device. The content of these files can
only be read by the server that created them. Cookies are encrypted to prevent
unauthorized access by third parties.
4. Cookies are not used to process personal data. The data collected through their use
may be collected solely for the purpose of performing specific functions for the user.
5. Two types of cookies are used on websites:
a. "Session cookies" are temporary files that remain on the user's device until
they leave the website or close the software (web browser).
b. "Persistent cookies" are files that remain on the user's device for the time
specified in the parameters of the cookies or until they are manually deleted
by the user.
6. Cookies can be categorized based on the data they collect:
a. "Technical cookies" enable the use of services available on the website and
remember the user's individual preferences and interface personalization
(e.g., font size, language).
b. "Security cookies" are used to ensure the security of website use.
c. "Analytical cookies" allow for the collection of information about how the
website is used.
d. "Marketing cookies" allow for the delivery of advertising content tailored to
the user's interests.
7. Cookies used by partners of the website operator, including website users, are
subject to their own privacy policies.
8. Web browsing software typically accepts cookies on end devices by default.
However, these settings can be changed to block automatic cookie handling in the
web browser settings or to inform the user each time cookies are sent to their
device. Detailed information on the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is
available in the software settings (web browser). Limiting the use of cookies may
affect certain functionalities available on the website and make it more difficult to
9. After being saved, cookies can be deleted using the appropriate functions of the
browser, software designed for this purpose, or by using the tools available within
the user's operating system.
§ 4. Changes to the Privacy Policy
1. The privacy policy was last updated on July 19, 2023.
2. The changed information will take effect from the date of publication on the website
and will govern the manner in which personal data are collected and used from the
date of change - without prejudice to the rights of users resulting from the provisions
of the privacy policy prior to the change.